The conventional septic system consists of a septic tank, which collects and retains solids and FOG, and a leach field (drain field) which allows partially treated wastewater to pursue its biodegradation by soil bacteria and percolate into the ground.

Acts as a filter
The performance of a leach field, which acts as a filter, is directly linked to the infiltration of oxygen and the natural occurring bacteria present soil that can percolate into it. However, our cold climate (frozen ground and snow cover) prevents all this, causing accumulation of solids, clogging and backflow. It is completely natural and normal for a drain field to eventually become clogged after 15 to 25 years of use. But it is not irrecoverable. A bio-mechanical action may be the solution. Ask our expert.
Bio-STAR RS Solution
Adding Bio-STAR RS selectively adapted bacterial strains on a regular basis as a maintenance program will ensure a constant and effective purifying bacterial flora within the septic system. Therefore, by improving the treatment and reducing the sludge accumulation, the leach field will only perform better and maintain a good health, extending by the same token its useful life.
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For an already clogged and saturated drain field, a shock treatment with commercial bacteria is of little or no use at all. The absence of flow prevents the added bacteria from reaching the soil underneath the drain field, where the clogging occurs. A mechanical operation (backwashing) is then necessary before adding any bacteria. Save time, money and headache with the support of our technical service.
As for outhouses, the problem mainly lies in the accumulation of toilet paper, which is very difficult to degrade. For this specific application, we have developed a product amended with specific enzymes to attack the cellulose in toilet paper and thus allow the Bio-STAR RS bacteria to degrade it more effectively (Bio-STAR RS-c). Implementing a simple maintenance protocol including the use of Bio-STAR Fraicheur will significantly reduce persistent odors.
The dosage and advice for excellent results will be provided to you by our experts.